COVID-19 Testing and Vaccines: What's happening now, and what's next to come?

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Name: COVID-19 Testing and Vaccines: What's happening now, and what's next to come?
Date: July 24, 2020
Time: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT
Brought to you by U.S. Chamber Foundation
Event Description:
Pharmaceutical companies are working at record speeds to develop a COVID-19 vaccine. Before it arrives, we know swift, accurate, and widespread testing is key to a successful reopening strategy. 

When can we expect a vaccine? Who will have the first access? What are the latest testing strategies, and will they keep up with demand? 

On Friday, guests including Dr. Lloyd B. Minor, Dean of the Stanford University School of Medicine, will join us to discuss the latest updates on testing and vaccines, and address your pressing questions during a live Q&A. 
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